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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Parents on Facebook

I recently began detail-oriented research of the history of Facebook (in a few days, on February 4th, the site will have been around for NINE YEARS). The fact that it has existed nearly a decade reminds me that there are people who grew up on Facebook (I joined the site at the end of undergrad in 2005). And while most of us in our 20's have been members since the early days, I am not sure we realize just how much the site has changed, when the changes occurred and in what order, and what effects these had on our Facebook interactions.

For instance, in 2006, Facebook opened up to all users over 13 (no longer requiring a .edu address for membership). High schoolers seemed to jump in quickly, and over time, older users (people over 50; those of the Baby Boomer generation and older) began wandering onto the site. I stumbled on this article from 2007, written by a parent who joined then, which strikes me as relatively early. In addition to being pretty funny, it is a stark reminder of just how much of a "young person" place Facebook used to be.

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